A new Fox poll shows Americans’ attitudes about terrorism and guns are changing.
Compared to respondents in 2010, 5 percent fewer Americans feel the U.S. is winning the war on terrorism. Eighty-four percent believe most Americans feel more nervous than confident with regards to our ability to stop terrorist attacks, with only 1 in 10 saying they are feeling more confident than nervous.
Consequently, Americans are feeling a growing responsibility to defend themselves against the possibility of a terrorist attack—respondents were more likely to say encouraging more citizens to carry would increase safety than would make us less safe.
Moreover, 47 percent said there would be fewer mass shooting victims if more people carried guns, versus 39 percent who favored banning them. So it’s no surprise that a similar margin (40-33) said their reaction after a mass shooting was, “I need to get a gun,” as opposed to, “The country has got to get rid of guns.”