New House Speaker Ryan Touts Mental Health Legislation

posted on November 19, 2015

Rather than advocating more restrictive gun-control laws that typically only affect law-abiding citizens, new U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is pushing an NRA-backed mental health bill to help combat gun violence.

In a “60 Minutes” episode posted on the CBS website, Ryan said: “I haven’t thought of proposing gun legislation. I think the big problem we have is enforcing the law as we have on the books right now.”

Ryan then touted the legislation introduced by U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa. “The other issue that I think we need to take a look at, and I’m pushing this in the Commerce committee, is Congressman Murphy’s legislation on mental health. I think we need to improve our mental health laws so we can address these problems before they get out of control, because mental health is a component to a lot of these shootings that, I think, we have not looked at seriously enough.”


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