For all their frothing over so-called “fake news,” anti-gun Democrats and their media enablers have been churning it out like raw sewage. Appearing on MSNBC Wednesday and CNN Thursday, Democrat Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez claimed, nonsensically, that the reason for Chicago’s staggering violent crime is because “the NRA funded lawsuits against our gun control” and “crippled the laws of Chicago ... so that we cannot keep guns off our streets.”
Meanwhile, U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., tweeted that Chicago crime is due to “lax gun laws” at the national level.
Hogwash! First, Chicago already has some of the strictest anti-gun laws in the nation—even after the NRA’s Supreme Court victory in McDonald v. Chicago. Second, Chicago only prosecutes about 1 percent of the criminals it catches with illegal guns. And third, Chicago has—for years—ranked at the bottom in terms of federal gun law prosecutions of criminals. Do you think there might be a connection?