New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg authored the 2002 bill mandating all handguns sold in the state include “smart gun” technology three years after such guns are offered for sale. Her bill had the effect of driving gun makers and sellers away for fear of such mandates.
However, the Democrat lawmaker recently claimed credit for creating a market for smart guns at a White House summit on gun violence, saying, “We were there before people were using the term. The original law was passed to help create the market.”
Today, there are no smart guns for sale anywhere in the United States, largely because of Weinberg’s bill. She blamed NRA, however, saying, “‘Star Wars’ is here. There is no reason we can’t see this move forward, assuming the gun lobby gets out of the way.” But she can’t use the Farce to hide the fact that she’s the one who’s in the way.