On Tuesday, the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s “Assault Weapon Control Act” (AWCA). NRA-ILA has announced its support for the legal action, which seeks to have the law declared unconstitutional.
The AWCA makes it illegal to manufacture, sell, transport, import or transfer hundreds of popular and commonly owned semi-automatic firearms that the law inappropriately condemns as “assault weapons.” If you already own one of these guns, unless you register it you will be in violation of the law. And it’s illegal for owners to transfer or sell those firearms to anyone in California, including their own family.
While Rupp v. Becerra challenges these restrictions, it is only the first lawsuit of many to come. Multiple challenges are in the works and will soon be filed to take aim at California’s “gunmageddon” suite of gun control bills.