After admitting that gun control laws wouldn’t have stopped the Dallas and Baton Rouge police assassins, New York Daily News writer Shaun King nonetheless went on to pronounce, “A ban and complete eradication of assault rifles from the hands of everyday citizens is a reasonable reform.”
“No type of background check would've stopped these men,” King wrote. “Requiring gun training of all who purchase weapons would've been an easy hurdle for each of them. A waiting period wouldn't have been a problem. They didn't need a loophole to purchase their weapons.” Nevertheless: Ban guns.
King’s words are worth noting. First, because they show how emotion can confuse clear thinking: A ban on firearms used in less than 3 percent of all murders isn’t likely to have any measurable effect on crime. And second, because they give lie to anti-gunners’ perennial claim that, “No one wants to take your guns away.”