Anti-gun legislators in Oregon are trying to further infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens by pushing a measure to “close” another non-existent “loophole.”
House Bill 4147 would require full completion of a background check before a gun sale can be finalized. “We passed a bill that said all gun sales have to go through a background check. And it’s not true because of this loophole,” House Majority Leader Jennifer Williamson told the Statesmen Journal.
In fact, no such “loophole” exists. The federal law was intentionally written to stipulate that if an investigation into a sale by the FBI has not been definitively concluded within three days, the dealer may proceed with the transfer. This provision was not some kind of “error” leading to a “loophole”: Congress inserted the safeguard to ensure that an anti-gun Department of Justice could not indefinitely deny Americans the ability to exercise their fundamental right to arms by simply never concluding a background check.