Oregon Stands Up Against SB 941

posted on April 6, 2015

Opponents of an Oregon “universal” background check bill outnumbered supporters at a public hearing in Salem last Wednesday morning. Critics of the proposed Senate Bill 941 say the requirement for buyers to meet private sellers at an FFL dealer and pay to submit to a background check prior to purchase would create an undue tax burden. The current denial rate for background checks in the state is roughly 1 percent—no doubt because criminals typically obtain firearms via theft or the black market. In truth, the measure is unlikely to have any effect on violent crime, but could open the door to mandatory registration in the future.

Prior to the hearing, sheriffs from across the state submitted resolutions declaring they would not enforce any laws that infringed on Second Amendment rights. Oregon residents should contact the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 941.


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