After former CNN host Piers Morgan claimed, following the UCLA murder-suicide this week, that there’s no difference “between automatic & semi-automatic guns. Both can kill 200+ people a minute,” conservative writer Kevin Williamson challenged Morgan. “How about we bet on this Piers? Pick your shooter and see if he can hit 201 moving targets in 60 seconds. Say $100K?” Williamson proposed.
Morgan, who made his name lambasting lawful gun owners, returned to his ridiculous shtick this week, claiming the UCLA shooter “was angry over his grades, so he took a machine gun to campus & shot dead his teacher.” Of course, the shooting had nothing to do with grades, didn’t involve a machine gun and transpired in a state that already has all the anti-gun laws that Morgan holds up as “solutions.”
Will Morgan take Williamson’s bet? Don’t hold your breath. Without lies for ammunition, drive-by “journalists” like Morgan turn tail and run.