President To Push Exec Order On CNN Thursday

posted on January 4, 2016

President Barack Obama, bent on pushing more restrictive gun laws despite a majority of Americans opposing such laws, will take his appeal to a friendly audience Thursday evening in a one-hour “town hall” meeting with Anderson Cooper on CNN. 

Obama has announced that, on the Monday prior to that appearance, he will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss options for tougher gun restrictions.“We know that we can't stop every act of violence,” Obama said, despite knowing that his proposals won’t affect criminals—only law-abiding Americans.

Both moves come despite polls here and here showing opposition to more restrictive gun laws by most Americans, who recognize that Congress is simply representing its constituents in not passing such laws. Ironically, given CNN’s ratings, it’s unlikely that more than a handful of people will even pay much attention to the program.


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