President Trump Will Announce His Supreme Court Pick Tonight

posted on January 31, 2017

President Donald Trump plans to announce his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court at 8 p.m. tonight, he announced in a tweet yesterday

If approved, his nominee would restore the court—which has consisted of four pro-gun and four anti-gun justices since the February 2016 passing of Justice Antonin Scalia—to its previous 5-4 pro-gun majority. 

While Trump has promised to nominate “a person who is unbelievably highly regarded” and said last week that evangelical Christians “will love my pick,” Senate Democrats are likely to do everything in their power to block the nomination. As Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer told Rachel Maddow earlier this month, “It’s hard for me to imagine a nominee that Donald Trump would choose that would get Republican support that we could support.”

Look for further coverage on the nominee later this week at


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