The Peace Garden State may soon make life more peaceful for gun owners. Two pro-gun bills have passed through committee and are now headed to the House floor in Bismarck.
House Bill 1169 would allow North Dakota residents to legally carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Gun owners could still obtain a permit if desired for purposes of utilizing reciprocity agreements with other states. But for those who wanted to be protected wherever they went, HB 1169 would give them that right.
A second piece of legislation, House Bill 1310, would enable concealed-carry permit holders to carry guns at schools, assuming education officials were in agreement. The Senate has shot down a similar measure in the previous two legislative session, so make sure you let your representatives know that you support this bill.
Use Your Power!
Contact your state representative today and urge them to support both of these pro-gun measures—HB 1169 and HB 1310.
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