Pro-Gun Student Muzzled By Anti-Freedom College

posted on May 22, 2015

After being told she needed “special permission” to exercise her First Amendment rights in support of the Second Amendment, a Houston-area college student has filed a federal lawsuit against her school. Nicole Sanders, of Blinn College, had been standing in front of the student center holding signs, one of which read “Defend Gun Rights On Campus,” in attempt to recruit members for her newly formed group, Young Americans for Liberty. Afterward, she was approached by the student center coordinator—flanked by three armed campus policemen—who notified her she’d violated policy.

Blinn’s policies state that student organizers must request permission a month in advance, get prior approval from the school for all distributed materials, and obtain approval from four administrators for any on or off-campus expressive activity—a clear violation of the First Amendment.

We wish Sanders luck, and hope for an outcome that will allow students to express themselves freely.


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