Professor Kicks Cop Out Of Class Over Gun

posted on February 2, 2016

Most people, criminals notwithstanding, find the presence of a fully uniformed and armed police officer comforting—knowing someone is there to help protect and defend your safety if needed. A professor at Darton State College in Albany, Ga., apparently felt otherwise. In fact, the anti-gun extremist actually felt “uncomfortable” with having a gun in the classroom and asked that the officer be removed from class. 

After the cop was escorted out of class, the backlash came pouring in. Social media blasted the school, and many called for the professor’s job. The school later issued a statement of regret and apologized to the officer. Dr. Thomas Ormond, vice president for academic and student affairs, also assured that they “met with the faculty and staff involved” to reiterate school policy, which allows for police officers to carry on campus. Neither the professor nor the officer have been named.


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