Rapper Shot And Killed In Chicago While Recording Rap Video About Guns

posted on April 21, 2016

A Chicago rapper was murdered early Tuesday morning on the South Side while recording a rap video about guns. 

Damond Dawson, 23, who goes by the nickname “Thugga,” was shot in the head around 2:20 a.m. while recording a number called “Two Techs and a 50 Shot,” and pronounced dead at the scene. A woman and three other men were also shot in the incident, including one man who was hit nine times. 

The gun-ban lobby is sure to blame the crime on a lack of laws but in reality, as Breitbart points out, Chicago already bans so-called “assault weapons,” imposes a “violence tax,” limits the location and number of gun stores allowed—and has had 915 shootings already this year. But what good are more laws, when only one in a hundred illegal gun seizures in Chicago is even prosecuted?


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