The Operation Fast and Furious scandal, much to the Justice Department’s dismay, simply refuses to go away. The latest hit comes from the Office of the Inspector General, which released a report Thursday expressing new concerns about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF’s) undercover storefront operations.
Fast and Furious, you’ll recall, is the operation where the ATF told gun dealers to sell gun runners as many firearms as they wanted. But they didn’t put tracking devices on the guns or even follow them—they simply let as many as 2,000 guns go directly to Mexican drug cartels.
This latest report sheds more light on how badly the operation was mishandled. They determined that, “ATF underestimated the level of experience, training and expertise necessary to manage and oversee its storefront operations.” Their mistakes, the report read, “were avoidable and were caused primarily by poor management, insufficient training and guidance to agents in the field.”