In an interview with Fox News Monday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani compared the crime rates of Baltimore, Chicago and NYC. In Baltimore, “We’re talking about numbers that exceed murder rates in Iraq and Afghanistan during the war … we supposedly got tired of.”
Giuliani confirmed what A1F wrote yesterday: “When you don’t support the police, when you don’t have their back … it isn’t that they don’t do their jobs, they just do it much more carefully. The ones that aren’t as dedicated may show up late.”
“They know if anything goes wrong, the mayor of Baltimore will turn on them,” he added. “The district attorney will probably put them in jail, and their families will be ruined.”
Why is gun violence rampant in Chicago, but not NYC? “We were much more aggressive with stop and frisk … and taking guns away from bad guys,” said Giuliani. “Chicago relied on gun control.”