Saying That You’re Winning Doesn’t Make It So

posted on September 19, 2015

We expect no readers will be surprised by this headline: “Bloomberg’s Everytown Dupes Media Into Believing They’re Winning The Gun Control Fight.” Author Katie Pavlich does a great job debunking optimistic claims by the stridently anti-gun group.

In truth, NRA-backed pro-firearms bills passed at nearly a 5-to-1 rate in 2013, nearly 9-to-1 in 2014 and at a whopping 31-to-1 rate so far this year. The 2014 elections proved similar, as NRA-backed candidates won 90 percent of their races. And just this week, unfriendly CNN released poll results showing a majority of Americans do not believe firearms are too easy to purchase.

Of course, there is still lots of work left to do, as many voters in the middle don’t understand that “universal background checks” are a mechanism that can easily become registries, and subsequently abused (just ask California gun owners). That’s something to think seriously about as we approach the 2016 election.


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