If you were a politician, what would your most pressing issue be? Job creation and economic growth? The ongoing threat of terrorism and ISIS? Perhaps dealing with the deficit and government spending? Or maybe health care or immigration?
If you selected any of the above, you’d fall right in line with American voters and their chief concerns. But if you’re U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., the answer is none of the above. Instead, here is what the Democratic Senator would like to see: “My number one goal, should I become majority leader with your help, is to get a progressive Supreme Court.”
The political elitist has long been a staunch gun-ban advocate, and he’s fully aware that a left-leaning court will likely overturn the District of Columbia v. Heller ruling. So rather than work to actually solve any of our nation’s problems, Schumer—like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton—plots instead to strip Americans of their Constitutional liberties.