The father of 15-year-old Jaylen Fryberg, who fatally shot four fellow students and himself at Marysville Pilchuck (Wash.) High School Oct. 24, has been arrested for lying on his background check form to purchase the gun used by his son.
Prosecutors say Raymond Fryberg was barred from gun possession by a 2002 “permanent protection order.” In the run-up to the Nov. 4 vote on Washington’s Initiative 594 requiring “universal” background checks, the shooting was cited as evidence of the need for the state to approve all transfers. However, all Fryberg had to do was to check “No” when asked, “Are you subject to a court order restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or an intimate partner …?”
Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer and Nick Hanauer contributed millions to help pass I-594.