Slow And Infuriating

posted on April 6, 2015

An Indianapolis firearms dealer has filed suit against the BATFE to recover its own previously stolen property. A1F was able to speak with a representative of Profire Arms and Supply, who explained the nuts and bolts: “Our trailer was stolen following a demonstration … but eventually all the items were recovered and an arrest was made—a previous felon. … Now the BATFE is holding onto all our equipment as evidence, but not pursuing charges. They simply won’t respond. This is the only avenue left.”

Profire has all its federal licensing in good order, and has confirmed the company isn’t under investigation. But most perplexing of all, it appears to be another case where the right hand of the Department of Justice doesn’t know what the left hand is doing: “We even talked to a DOJ lawyer—a really nice guy—and he said there was nothing he could do.” Is it too much to hope that incoming acting BATFE Director Thomas Brandon will put an end to this sort of misadventure?


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