Gun-ban advocates like to scoff at the thought that armed citizens might be a deterrent to so-called lone wolf terror attacks. And they like to quote studies of how low the chances of being in a terror attack actually are, ignoring the fact that such statistics do little to help victims of those attacks.
Now, is reporting that terror attacks in wealthy nations in 2015 were at an all-time high.
“The world’s wealthiest nations experienced the worst year in over a decade for terrorist attacks and deaths in 2015,” the story stated. “Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries suffered 731 attacks, a 23 percent increase from its previous high in 2004, after a steady rise over the past six years, according a new report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, which has been collecting data since 1997.”
Anti-gunners can scoff all they want, but with terror attacks on the rise, the argument for legal concealed carry grows even stronger.