Texas’ new open-carry law is causing signs prohibiting firearms to be removed from government buildings. The Dallas Morning News reports that, starting in September, “Texans will have a formal process by which to complain to the state attorney general about government entities that might wrongfully bar concealed guns,” backed by the threat of legal action and penalties.
To comply, the Dallas Park and Recreation Department is removing “no-gun” signs from 10 rec centers. However, some government-owned properties that are leased to private entities, such as convention centers and the Sixth Floor Museum, are resisting the new regulations. The Dallas County Zoo is defending its weapons ban, claiming it qualifies for exemptions for “educational institutions” and “amusement parks.”
Texans, like NRA board member Charles Cotton, are eager to test these claims: “The City of Dallas or whoever is going to continue with that kind of stuff, and they are going to get sued.”