On March 3, theadvocate.com, an LGBT-rights website, published a column by longtime anti-gunners who tried to make their cause a gay cause.
“Legally obtained or not, whether by ‘good guys’ or ‘bad guys,’ guns are the problem,” wrote Igor Volsky and Mark Glaze of GunsDown. “If we’re serious about saving lives, we need to build a bolder, broader movement that finally tackles the problem at its core. We need to go after guns themselves.”
This will be news to the LGBT community, who thought prejudice was the problem—but instead of addressing that cause, GunsDown tries to insert its own.
Contrast that approach with the Pink Pistols, an LGBT gun-rights groups whose membership has soared since the Pulse massacre in Orlando. Instead of “building a movement for dramatically fewer guns in America,” the Pistols are educating and training members to defend themselves from ever-present threats. For these “good guys,” guns are a solution.