The Armed Citizen® February 11, 2014

posted on February 11, 2014

Brian Tran, a Vietnamese-American man, was enjoying the Fourth of July weekend at a food stand around 1 p.m. when he was approached by a long-haired man wearing camouflage. The man began harassing Tran by making racial remarks and insulting Tran's Vietnamese heritage. He then pulled out a knife and attempted to stab Tran. Lifting his shirt, Tran displayed the pistol he had holstered in his waistband, a firearm he legally carries for protection. The man left upon seeing the firearm and Tran called 911. The assailant was later arrested and charged with aggravated assault and a hate-crime enhancement due to his remarks to Tran. (Orlando Sentinel, Osceola, FL, 7/10/13)

Deputies responded to a report of a residential robbery where the husband and wife reported they were sleeping when awakened by an intruder breaking into their house and entered the bedroom. The homeowner was able to retrieve his handgun and fired at the suspect striking him at least once. The intruder ran out and was able to steal the homeowner's Jeep. Colton Police later located the Jeep and attempted to conduct a traffic stop at which point the intruder failed to yield and the pursuit continued. After crashing into a fence the suspect was taken into custody. (Fontana Herald News, San Bernardino, Ca., 1/14/14)

From The Armed Citizen Archives

November 1981: When a man-woman team of holdup artists made their second raid on his West Seattle, Wash., pharmacy in a week, it was too much for Bill Shuey. He armed himself with a pistol and gave chase, running the woman robber to ground and holding her for police. (The Times, Seattle, Wash.)


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