The Armed Citizen® | Mississippi

posted on July 28, 2016

Mississippi has enacted some of the most freedom-oriented gun laws in the nation, and amended its state constitutional provision to read, “The right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, or property … shall not be called in question.” The fact that the Magnolia State gives its residents every opportunity to defend themselves should they come face-to-face with danger may have made the difference between life and death to the following armed Mississippians.

“G” Singh, owner of N&S Food Mart in Jackson, Miss., was leaving the store around 10 p.m. with his mother, when a masked and armed robber appeared from behind a dumpster and confronted them. After seeing the criminal’s gun, Singh drew his own and fired at the robber, striking him and causing him to flee. Police later captured the criminal as he sought medical attention at a local hospital. The local media found several people with words of encouragement for Singh following the incident, with one stating, “My father was murdered in his own store, so I know what it’s like … If a few more bit the dust, there would be a lot fewer robberies.” In an interview, Singh noted, “You have to carry a weapon on you, the way Jackson is these days, with all the crime and armed robberies … It’s good to have as long as you’re using it for the right reason.” (The Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Miss., 8/23/2011) 

An employee of Shaw’s Meat Market in Grenada, Miss., was opening the store in the early morning when two armed criminals fired at him. The employee retrieved a gun and returned fire, causing the criminals to flee. Police later caught up with the armed robbers when one sought treatment at a nearby hospital. The wounded criminal’s accomplice was picked up on an outstanding warrant. (The Grenada Star, Grenada, Miss., 7/2/2010) 

Cornelius Ferrande was going door to door begging for money in Moss Point, Miss., when he came across the home of Charles and Nita Ray. At the Rays' home, Ferrande wrapped a piece of clothing around his hand and then attempted to break into the home through the front door. Unable to get inside, Ferrande then went around to the back of the house, where he was met by the Rays. The Rays and the would-be intruder exchanged gunfire. Ferrande was shot fatally, while the Rays suffered non-life-threatening injuries. (WLOX, Biloxi, Miss., 5/24/2010) 

A sleeping homeowner in Jackson, Miss., awoke to find an intruder standing in his bedroom. The homeowner retrieved a gun and followed the burglar through the house as he fled. While fleeing, the burglar made a gesture towards the homeowner, at which point the homeowner shot the intruder in the leg. When police arrived, the burglar was taken to a local hospital for treatment. (The Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Miss., 4/16/2010) 

Something caught Willie Shows' eye when he drove past his father's auction house. Police say he pulled behind the building and saw two suspects loading a pickup with tools and scrap metal. "We've had $30,000 worth of stuff stolen from us over the last two years and I'm tired of it," Shows said. He grabbed his .357 revolver and confronted the thieves, whose initial actions made Shows very nervous. "They started trying to talk and they wouldn't come out from behind the truck. I said, ‘If you don't get down, I'm going to shoot you'," he remembers. Wisely, the suspects did as they were told and police arrested them shortly thereafter. Less than a year ago, Shows' father held suspects at gunpoint for police at the same location. (The Review of Jones County, Laurel, Miss., 4/10/2008) 

A teenager and several other juveniles were enjoying one another's company when three men knocked on the door. Police say the men asked about buying shoes, which didn't arouse suspicion because the teen's parents are street vendors. That changed when the men forced their way inside and began burglarizing the residence. Apparently underestimated, the teen grabbed a .410-bore shotgun and shot one of the intruders. The men fled, but the injured suspect collapsed and died. A handgun was found in his pocket. (The Vicksburg Post, Vicksburg, Miss., 12/31/2007) 

Billy Franks awoke from a deep sleep to find two armed men demanding cash and threatening to beat his 67-year-old wife, Sherry, with a baseball bat. The intruders then made good on their threat, bruising Sherry's arm and breaking Billy's arm in two places. That's when Sherry remembered the .22-cal. revolver her 70-year-old husband kept tucked under his pillow. "When she picked up the gun and pointed it [at the would-be robbers], they panicked and started running," Billy said. Sheriff's Department Captain Joe Young lauded the couple's handling of the situation. "People try to prey on senior citizens because they think they're easier to mess with, but this couple showed that's not always true," he said, adding, "I think it's a good idea for people to keep a handgun in their homes, just in case something like this happens." (The Commercial Dispatch, Columbus, Miss., 7/8/2005)

A knife-wielding robber tried to force Christian Corley into the back of the Jackson, Miss., store where Corley worked. Corley, however, managed to break free, retrieve a gun, and in the ensuing struggle, shoot and mortally wound the robber. (The Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Miss., 11/3/2004)

A young man was coming out of a bedroom in his grandmother's house in Gulfport, Miss., when he encountered two men who had entered the home. One of the intruders struck the young man on the head. As the victim fell, he grabbed a gun that was hidden under the bed and began firing at the two men, who then fled in a gray Oldsmobile. No one was injured at the house, but at least one victim of the home invasion had been tied up with duct tape, according to police at the scene. (The Sun Herald, Biloxi, Miss., 7/27/2004)

Bobby Wolfe was locking the front door of his Moon Lake, Miss., store one night when a man came around the icebox near the door, pointed a gun and demanded money. "He had a gun in his hand, and the other hand was over his face," Wolfe recalled. The storekeeper dropped and pulled a .38-cal. revolver from his pocket. "We think the robbers shot first and Mr. Wolfe returned fire,” stated Coahoma County Sheriff Andrew Thompson of the exchange that followed. When Wolfe took off running for his nearby home, he encountered a second gunman who began firing at him. "He shot two or three times, and I shot one more time,” Wolfe said. Within five minutes of the robbery, one gunman was dead, and Wolfe was injured. Police picked up three suspects—one of whom was mortally wounded—making a getaway. Wolfe later said of the men, whom he recognized, "... I'm sure they intended to kill me because they know I'd recognize them." (The Clarksdale Press Register, Clarksdale, Miss., 10/29/2001)


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