The Farce Is With Mark Hamill

posted on March 23, 2016

On Sunday, the actor who portrays Luke Skywalker in the “Star Wars” movies tweeted talking points for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety.

Mark Hamill tweeted: “Don’t get me wrong, as a strong supporter of the 2nd Ammendment (sic)—I believe in every American’s right to own a musket.” 

Reaction to Hamill’s repeat of Everytown propaganda was swift: “So I guess this means you believe the 1st Amendment only covers speaking out against the king?” “So u’ll be exercising your 1A right to make Star Wars via town crier reciting the script now?” “We need to ban high-powered intarweb freedom of speech I guess?” 

Hamill responded with another Everytown talking point, tweeting, “Even responsible NRA members favor sensible gun laws.” If Hamill could actually use the Force to read NRA members’ minds, he’d find that limiting firearm freedom to musket ownership doesn’t fit any reasonable person’s definition of “sensible.”


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