The White House Invites A Gun-Control Millennial To Help Them Change Attitudes Of Pro-Gun Millennials

posted on September 27, 2016

On Monday, The Tennessean reported that the White House has invited 22-year-old Vanderbilt student Allison Plattsmier and seven other college students to talk about “gun-reform policy."

Plattsmier believes that young Americans’ opinions on guns should be heard, saying “I don’t think assault rifles should be on the market. I think we should limit the number of magazines. I think we should increase background checks at gun shows. I think there are many steps we could take that we are not.” Her efforts opposing campus carry caught the attention of the White House. 

Though she is a prolific volunteer, conducting jeans drives and collecting sports equipment didn’t teach her anything about “assault weapons,” magazine capacity or gun shows. Is she aware of recent research that shows the millennial generation is even less likely to support gun-control than older generations, with 63 percent of 18-34-year-olds stating that people should be allowed to own “assault weapons”? 

Does Ms. Plattsmier want those students heard, too?


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