Timing Fishy On Proposed Michigan Gun Ban

posted on October 26, 2016

A law proposed by Michigan Democrats is raising eyebrows throughout the Wolverine State—especially since it makes ownership of a number of common, popular firearms a felony offense.

The measure, House Bill 5996, would make the manufacturing, purchasing, possessing, selling and transferring of so-called “assault weapons” a four-year felony. And it defines an “assault weapon” as a semi-automatic pistol or semi-automatic or pump-action rifle capable of using detachable magazines, trigger pistol grips, shoulder stocks, barrel shrouds, muzzle brakes or compensators, and shotguns with detachable magazines or revolving cylinders.

“We’re 22 months into a 24-month legislative session,” Tom Lambert, a gun advocate for Michigan Open Carry, told FOX17. “I think it’s, what, three weeks till the election? I think everyone can piece together why they are suddenly coming out right now.”


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