Under Attack In Oregon

posted on April 15, 2015

The Oregon Senate is considering a gun rights beat-down that would require individuals to appear before an FFL-licensed dealer before completing a private firearms transfer, despite lacking a single bipartisan sponsor. Failure to comply with SB 941 carries a stiff fine and the loss of Second Amendment rights. As with all background check proposals, it also creates the essential “stealth” precursor to the Holy Grail of gun confiscation—a list of owners.

Several other pieces of anti-gun legislation are also winding their way through Oregon’s upper House. SB 945, SB 525 and SB 913 also impose stiff penalties or otherwise burden ownership. And all three measures also lack a single bipartisan sponsor. 

Use Your Power

You can help battle the onslaught of anti-gun legislation currently under consideration in the Oregon Senate. NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action encourages Oregonians to contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. Click here for contact info.


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