While the so-called “mainstream” media have generally been all-in against the Hearing Protection Act, designed to protect the hearing of hunters and shooters by deregulating possession of firearm suppressors, some in the press are seeing the light.
After attending a demonstration by Knox Williams, president of the American Suppressor Association, at the NRA Headquarters range, USA Today reporter Nicole Gaudiano realized that the term “silencer” was, indeed, misleading.
“At the NRA’s indoor gun range, reporters were advised to wear protective earplugs and protective earmuffs, and yes, a loud blast from the guns equipped with silencers was still audible and still sounded like gunfire,” Gaudiano wrote, countering the claims of anti-gun activists who say guns fitted with suppressors are “silent.”
Now, if only we could get Michael Bloomberg and Shannon Watts, along with some Democrats in Congress, to attend a similar demonstration!