In one of the best refutations of President Barack Obama’s call to squash the Second Amendment rights of Americans on secret government lists, The Washington Times on Tuesday stated, “Someone should explain to the president how these things actually work.”
As the Times pointed out: “The names of about 47,000 persons are on the various ‘no fly’ lists and over a million are on ‘terrorist watch’ lists compiled from nominations by various federal agencies. No one knows exactly how someone gets on the lists.”
The Times concluded by quoting a former Virginia governor who was very familiar with the topic: “James Gilmore, the former governor of Virginia who from 1999 to 2003 headed a commission that studied weapons and their availability, once observed that ‘if there are really that many potential terrorists in this country we might as well give up.’ He couldn’t say how many actual suspects were being monitored by government agencies, but it was far, far fewer than the number of people on the lists.”