Watts’ 100 Moms Versus 80,000 NRA Members

posted on May 23, 2016

As nearly 80,000 NRA members gathered at the Expo Center in Louisville, Ky., for the 145th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, Shannon Watts and her Demanding Moms group rallied fewer than 100 people just a few miles away to change the world by watching a movie together.                                              

Everytown and the Moms joined together to screen Katie Couric’s new anti-gun “documentary” titled “Under the Gun.” By watching the slanted piece of pseudo-journalism together, the 100 gun-ban advocates somehow believe they bested the 800-times more NRA members peacefully gathered nearby celebrating their Second Amendment rights.

“We are winning,” Watts told her supporters at the tiny gathering. If gathering 100 people together to watch a movie while their 80,000 opponents celebrate freedom nearby is “winning,” we’d hate to see what Watts would consider to be losing.


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