A gun-control group filmed a fake clerk in a fake NYC gun store informing “first-time gun buyers” their guns were all involved in mass shootings or accidental deaths. The spot claims, “Hidden cameras captured the gun buyers’ reactions.”
Now we’ve learned the buyers were fake, too: The filming permit, obtained from the New York City Mayor’s Office of Media through a Freedom of Information request, reveals, “Actors are interviewed on camera in a fake gun store.” The claim that they opened a “gun store” in NYC “as a hidden camera social experiment” was no more true than an episode of “The Dukes of Hazzard.”
This stunningly unethical “social experiment” comes from CeasefireUSA.org, whose website includes links to articles like “Reporters’ ethical responsibilities when covering mass shootings.”
Message to CeasefireUSA: You can’t lie to us and then lecture us … especially on ethics.