Psaki Blames Guns for the Actions of Criminals

posted on May 26, 2021

When asked if our country has a crime problem in the wake of last-year’s events, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “There is a guns problem, and that’s something the president would say.”

Psaki, and President Joe Biden (D), would rather blame the millions of Americans who lawfully and responsibly exercise their constitutional rights than focus on addressing the criminal element of society

And what is their proposed solution? They believe that implementing more-restrictive legislation to curtail your Second Amendment rights is key to solving the problem; this despite the fact that it doesn’t come close to addressing the root cause. In short, they want the law-abiding to pay the price for the actions of criminals.

When later questioned about coming gun-control legislation, specifically so-called “universal” background checks and red-flag laws, Psaki said that these priorities are at the “top of [Biden’s] agenda.”

America’s 1st Freedom has previously detailed how both red-flag laws and “universal” background checks are affronts to Second Amendment rights.

Law-abiding Americans know, however, that they are neither at fault for the actions of those who wish to do harm unto others, nor are their firearms responsible; after all, firearms are simply tools, as are hammers, knives or any other object. When treated with reverence and responsibility, they are simply tools for people to use to protect themselves and to participate in shooting sports. When it comes to defending against those who wish to do harm, it is this great freedom that comes to our protection. Just read the monthly Armed Citizen column for countless examples of this.

Yet, Psaki and Biden remained undeterred. The White House press secretary also said that the president’s position on gun-control measures is clear and that “he will continue to press Congress to move forward.”

Last year saw a record-shattering number of Americans choose to exercise their rights amidst rising crime rates. This year has already built upon this trend. It’s clear Americans would rather defend themselves than remain helpless.


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