2A Supporters React, Comcast Backtracks On Great American Outdoor Show Ads

posted on January 23, 2016

To promote NRA’s upcoming Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pa., the Association created two 30-second TV ads promoting the upcoming nine-day celebration of the outdoors and sent them to Comcast, America’s largest cable company. 

NRA received an email in response requesting that all “images of rifles, shooting ranges and handguns” be removed. After hearing about this request—a ridiculous one, considering Comcast regularly airs depictions of guns via TV shows and movies—the Washington Examiner and many conservatives took to Twitter to blast the cable giant. 

According to NRA spokesperson Kyle Jillson, after the Examiner broke the story, Comcast contacted NRA, saying the move was not politically motivated and that the ad executive responsible for the email was “new to the job.” They indicated the first ad—complete with rifles, shooting ranges and handguns—was approved, and the second could run once footage of children at the show’s (supervised, airgun) range was removed.


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