For the second time in three weeks, armed Americans have protected themselves and their families with AK-47 rifles. In the first instance, in late June, a Vegas man shot two armed suspects who had barged into his home. More recently, a Houston man used his AK-47 last Thursday to defend himself in an early morning break-in attempt.
According to police, at about 4 a.m. the homeowner heard his burglar alarm sounding. Checking the alarm, he found that someone had attempted to break his son’s bedroom window and had already broken one lock.
The homeowner ran out of the house with his AK-47, was shot at by an accomplice near a car parked there, and returned fire. Two men then came running from behind the house where the break-in was taking place, and the homeowner shot one of them before they all fled. At last report, all three remain at large.