Attorneys General Urge Supreme Court To Hear Gun Case

posted on September 9, 2015

Nearly half of the nation’s attorneys general have signed on to support a challenge to an Illinois city’s arbitrary ban on certain guns. The amicus brief, led by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, questions whether a municipal ban on possession of some of the firearms most commonly used for lawful purposes violates the Second Amendment. 

The challenge is based on the case of gun owner Arie Friedman, who contested the city of Highland Park’s 2013 ban on what it defines to be “assault rifles.” Friedman lost his claim to own now-prohibited guns and magazines in violation of the city’s ordinance to a lower court and appealed to the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals last year.

Highland Park attorneys now have an opportunity to respond, and then the Supreme Court will consider whether it will hear the case. If it does, we could be looking at the next big ruling on Second Amendment issues.


Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey

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