We’re absolutely serious here: You owe it to yourself to click through to this YouTube video. You’ll rarely see two “journalists” and an alleged “forensics expert” who know less about firearms. Yet there they are, reporting for FOX News and some nitwit producer like they have a clue …
… Which they clearly don’t. Not counting repeated uses of faux terminology, we counted 16 errors in this 3:23-second fiasco (Is that full- or semi-auto idiocy?). Most alarming, however, is the slip by the “expert” guest, demonstrating again that all firearm ownership will be in the crosshairs if anti-gunners can manage it. At 0:42 is the cake-taker, “… the big difference between an assault rifle and a hunting rifle is, frankly, the scope that one puts on it …” The commentator bomb? “You can go into these gun shops and buy an adapter … and make it an assault rifle.” Oh really. We’ll send the ATF right over.
Given the intellectual rigor and fact-checking here, we expect all three will soon be accepting Clinton campaign positions.