In her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton tried to reassure gun owners with the same false promises she has been using for the past several years.
“I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment,” she said. “I'm not here to take away your guns.”
Of course that’s a lie, as her past statements easily prove. She has said, “The Supreme Court got it wrong on the Second Amendment” in referring to the decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which simply stated that Americans have a basic right to keep a firearm in their homes for self-defense. She embraced forced confiscation and destruction of all manners of privately owned firearms when she said “Certainly, the Australia example is worth looking at.” And on ABC’s “This Week” in early June, Clinton twice refused to answer whether she believes an individual’s right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right, instead bragging about a “right” of the federal government to restrict gun ownership.