CNN Asks One Of The Dumbest Questions Of All Time

posted on May 5, 2017

Talk about clueless! producer and writer Michael Nedelman might have just asked the dumbest question ever posed in a headline: “Why do people buy guns after mass shootings?”

Yet after reading paragraph after paragraph of Nedelman’s blathering, it becomes painfully apparent that he really doesn’t know the answer. You see, Nedelman and many other gun-haters in the so-called “mainstream” media actually believe the anti-gun talking points repeated by the Shannon Watts of the world—that having a gun makes Americans less safe, not more safe.

Nedelman should try that argument with the dozens of Texas restaurant visitors who were saved from a mass shooting just last week by a “good guy with a gun.” Truth is, armed self-defense occurs many, many times each day—whether or not most in the media choose to believe it. And that, Mr. Nedelman, is the answer to your question.


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