Continued Twisting Of Facts About Firearm Suppressor Deregulation

posted on June 21, 2017

Writing in an op-ed at, Robin L. Barton started off by trying to sound like the voice of reason, then fell into the same old lies about firearm suppressors and efforts to deregulate the devices.

Mentioning early on that, “Although silencers don’t completely suppress the sound of a gunshot, they do muffle it,” Barton quickly veered into territory sought by those who know the truth about the topic doesn’t make their anti-gun case.

“The sound of gunfire alerts people that someone is firing a weapon nearby and that they should take suitable precautions,” Barton wrote. “If that sound is muffled, people may be unaware that they’re in danger and thus not take cover.”

Of course, the simple truth can be found from even the Washington Post fact-checkers, who wrote when investigating a similar claim: “There is little that’s quiet about a firearm with a silencer, unless one also thinks a jackhammer is quiet.”


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