Everytown for Gun Safety, the Michael Bloomberg-funded anti-gun group, is running a TV commercial in Georgia urging residents to contact their state legislators in opposition of HB 859, the campus carry bill. “College students, guns and alcohol don’t mix,” the ad ominously concludes.
As always, Everytown badly misses the mark. In Georgia, an individual must be 21 to obtain a carry permit. This is also true in all other campus carry states: Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin; as well as in Texas and Kansas, where campus carry becomes effective in Aug. 2016 and July 2017 respectively. So why should a 21-year-old adult lose their right of self-defense the second he or she steps onto a college campus?
The real danger attached to this bill—not the manufactured danger that Everytown is trying to fabricate—is if it doesn’t pass. More gun-free zones are never the answer to reducing crime.