On Tuesday, CampusReform.org posted a video of interviews with young prospective voters at a Hillary Clinton campaign rally in Annandale, Va. Campus Reform had asked them a simple question: “Do you think it would be a good idea to repeal the Second Amendment?” The answers were astounding.
“Oh yeah, definitely, I really think that we need to start viewing human rights as more important than gun rights.”
“Yeah, I think it would be a good idea. I hate the NRA.”
“Yeah, totally; I mean it’s kind of ridiculous to me that, yeah, the Constitution is great and everything, but you have to remember that people made these, humans make mistakes and it was written hundreds of years ago.”
“So yeah, I think it’s high time, and that Hillary Clinton is definitely going to be one of those people that can really spark that conversation and make a change.”
While so-called “mainstream media” claim Hillary has no such grand design, her college-age supporters seem to believe she does—which is just great and everything with them