Just when we thought political correctness concerning kids and “guns” had hit rock bottom, two new reports make us pause and remember saner days in years past.
According to a report in The Washington Times, the Boy Scouts of America have now banned scouts from shooting each other with water guns, as pointing a “firearm” at another person isn’t considered “kind.” To boot, BSA regulations also stipulate that water balloons be filled “no larger than a ping pong ball.” Meanwhile in New Jersey, a fifth-grader has received a five-day in-school suspension for accidentally bringing a foam Nerf-gun “bullet” to school in his pocket, according to a Breitbart.com report.
If the term, “Stop this world and let me off,” comes to mind when reading this, you likely remember a simpler time when kids were allowed to be kids, play was considered good and imagination was praised, not smothered.