“Miss Sloane”—A Gun Control Fairy Tale

posted on December 12, 2016

In the new film "Miss Sloane," which opened on Friday and stars Academy Award winner Jessica Chastain, gun-rights groups are portrayed as the big, bad villain. Conservative Review writer Carly Hoilman talked with Colion Noir on last Wednesday’s “CN Live” about her recent review of the film. 

Hoilman calls the movie a “leftist fairy tale of every liberal’s dream” and notes that the overarching narrative is that the end justifies the means—it doesn’t really matter what the Constitution says or what is legal, it just matters if you can pander to the emotions of the American people and advance your goals. Her takeaway: Avoid seeing “Miss Sloane” at all costs. 

Watch the interview with Carly Hoilman above or on NRATV. “CN Live” is one of two dozen original shows that air on NRATV—the network broadcasts in live streaming HD 24 hours a day, and all episodes are available on demand. You can watch NRATV online at NRATV.com, or through Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV.



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