Joey Imerti of North Las Vegas, Nev., was at home at night when someone he wasn’t expecting rang his doorbell for 10 minutes. Suspicious of the stranger’s motives, the homeowner declined to answer the door, retrieved a rifle and waited in his kitchen. Eventually the suspect found an unsecured window in the back of the house and pushed it upward, entering the home. “He had a mask on, a hoodie on, gloves on, also white gloves like latex,” said Imerti. “He kind of had a nylon mask on.”
The suspect was also allegedly wielding a claw hammer. Imerti fired two shots from his rifle, neither of which hit the suspect. They did, however, cause him to flee the premises immediately. The home invader has not been apprehended as of last reporting, but Imerti is safe. “Definitely glad I had my gun to protect me,” he told News 3 Las Vegas.