James Edwards of Salt Lake City, Utah, has a peculiar problem: He’s old enough to own a firearm (18) and has a sensible plan for its use (to improve his marksmanship skills before joining the U.S. Marine Corps) and even good taste (Ruger 10/22).
There’s just one problem. Since he’s in foster care and a ward of the state, he’s not considered an adult until he’s 21. Ergo, no firearm, said both a judge and the Department of Family and Child Services: “… our number one priority is the safety of all involved.”
The next step for Edwards was attorney Adam Hensley. With Edwards having no criminal history or any other disqualifiers, Edwards and Hensley have submitted a plan to a judge that includes a guardian for Edward’s gun, storing it for him when he isn’t at the range practicing. Edwards also agreed to receive training at the Court’s direction.
We’ll watch this one for you. Stand by …