Late Thursday night Iean Critchlow got a call from his neighbor, who told him someone was trying to break into his home. Critchlow’s reaction: He flipped on the light and grabbed his firearm.
WPXI Channel 11 is reporting that Critchlow went to investigate and encountered the intruder behind his neighbor’s property. “He was hiding behind a bush and jumped out so I put him at gunpoint and it looked like he was going to go down, I told him don't move, I will shoot.”
When a neighbor came outside, the would-be burglar used the diversion to escape—but this is only one further incident in a rash of robberies in Critchlow’s Claridge neighborhood. “They took my boy’s bike off the porch, literally just stole it off my porch, and the neighbor’s go-kart,” he said. “If you want to mess with my home or neighbor's home and property, threaten me and my family, there will be something to pay.”