A new Rasmussen poll reports that most voters don’t want the federal government to have the final say on gun ownership, nor do they want a country where only the government is armed.
A national telephone survey “finds that just 34 percent of likely U.S. voters believe laws regarding the ownership of guns should be the responsibility of government.” Slightly more Americans believe it should be within the purview of state government, and far fewer than one in five would entrust gun regulations to local government.
Rasmussen’s findings reflect the continuing trend to support gun rights found in every other national poll. A CNN poll found that 59 percent believe current gun laws are either just about right, or too restrictive; Zogby found independent voters side with Republicans in supporting Second Amendment rights; a YouGov poll found 52 percent of Americans feel comfortable seeing someone with a holstered handgun; and an earlier Rasmussen poll found 68 percent of Americans feel safer in a neighborhood with guns.